

"Adaptable, I like that." Quinn winced.

Eliot gripped the rip in Quinn's slacks and made it longer. "What are you on about?" The wound was worse than he'd thought.

"Hitter, Chef, and apparently now you're a doctor." Quinn grimaced as he looked at the long gash running all the way up his leg.

"I think the word you're looking for is awesome.."

"Yeah, that too." Quinn shifted, giving Eliot a better view of the damage. "Can you hand me that bottle of Jack over there so I can have a swig before you start ruining any more of my clothing?"

"I didn't ruin your clothes, the rocks in the river did you that favor, I just make the rip bigger." He handed Quinn the bottle and grabbed the first aid kit. "I'm just trying to do my job here."

Quinn laughed and by the look on his face, Eliot could tell it hurt him to do so. "Gonna have to take a look at the rest of you too, gotta see what else got banged up on those rocks."

Quinn grinned. "Tryin' to get me naked again?"

"Don't you start." Eliot still hadn't figured out what was going on between him and Quinn. They'd started something a little while back but then they kept getting busy with jobs away from each other and Eliot told himself that was that. It was just a fling. It didn't mean anything.

"I don't remember starting anything, I'm pretty sure that was you." Quinn was still smiling but there was a look in his eyes that told Eliot he wasn't the only one who'd wished it'd been more than a fling.

"I didn't hear you complaining," Eliot pointed out.

"Didn't say I was." Quinn slipped off his tie and unbuttoned, and slid off his shirt.

"You're the one who brought it up." Eliot cut the rest of the way through Quinn's pants, leaving him in only his boxers. There were bruises forming on his back and side, a few smaller cuts on his arm, and he was pretty sure one of the ribs was broken.

Quinn had another swig of booze while Eliot got busy cleaning out his wounds. "Maybe I brought it up because it's been a while since we've been in the same room together for more than ten minutes."

Eliot sighed. "Could've been under better circumstances."

"I can't disagree with that."

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