

Parker stomped into the room and slammed the door behind her. She was so angry she could scream. Maybe she would scream. Instead, she sat on the floor, hugged her knees, and did her best not to scream.

The door opened and she didn't have to turn around to know that it was Alec.

"The kid's okay, Parker we got to her in time."

His words rang true, but she still couldn't stop shaking.

"Parker - "

He tried to touch her, and she flinched. She didn't want to - it just happened when she got like this. She couldn't handle being touched, even by Alec. It was like her skin itched on the inside and touching it only made it all that much worse.

Parker heard Alec move across the room and pick something up.

"Is it all right if I brush your hair?"

Parker thought about it for a moment, then nodded. "I think that would be okay." She didn't know if the hair brushing thing would help or make things worse but she trusted Alec and she was willing to give it a try.

He started out slow, humming a familiar tune as he gently ran the brush through her hair. He was careful not to touch her skin. It felt - nice. Little by little, stroke by stroke; Parker began to relax. Her jagged edges softened, and she started to feel less stabby.

After a little while, she said, "You can try touching me a little. I think I'm feeling a little better now."

"How about you show me," Alec said. Always so considerate.

Parker turned, wrapped her arms around him, and rested her cheek against his chest. "Thank you for not trying to make me be someone I'm not."

Arms around her, he said, "Any time, Mama. Any time."

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