cat burglar

Fandom: Leverage
Characters/Pairings: Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer
Rating: G
Length: 600 words
Written for: written for getyourwordsout Yahtzee Prompt: pp003 (rows of Maneki Neko figurines)
Summary: Parker has started collecting lucky cat figurines.
Originally Posted: March 29, 2022


Eliot did a double-take the moment he walked into the kitchen. He'd been thinking about what to cook for breakfast when he saw the multitude of very distinctive cat figurines lined up all along the counter where he usually prepared food. "What's with all the cats, Parker?"

Parker placed a white cat figurine next to a slightly larger one of the same design. "I don't know, I guess I started collecting them or something. That's what people do, right? Normal people? They collect things?"

Elliot frowned. Since when did Parker do things that other people considered normal? He was still shaking his head when Hardison walked into the room.

"Oh, hey, it's a little Maneki Neko army." Hardison walked across the room and picked up a cat figurine with calico markings. He turned it upside down and sniffed it.

Parker glared at him. "Careful, that one's porcelain."

Hardison placed the figurine down carefully and backed away from the counter.

"What made you decide to start a collection?" Eliot asked. Maybe he could get her to clean everything up before it was too late for breakfast.

Parker shrugged. "I saw one at a little shop, it found its way in my pocket, and now I have a whole bunch." She pulled another figurine out of a box and set it down next to the others. "I was just keeping them in this box, but it seemed way too sad to keep them all shut up."

Eliot counted ninety-eight figurines. He shook his head. "You stole all of these?"

"Huh, are they still lucky if you steal them?" Hardison asked.

Parker's eyes went wide. "Wait, these are lucky cats?"

"You didn't know?" Hardison said.

"I just thought they were cute. So I took one and then I kept on taking them whenever I saw a new one." Parker gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.

"Are you okay, Parker?" Eliot asked.

"Do you think I stole people's luck? I didn't mean to do that."

Hardison looked at Eliot and shook his head. Eliot sighed. "No, I don't think you took their luck, Parker. Just their stuff."

"I'm positive their luck is just fine," Hardison said.

"Are you sure?" Parker asked.

"Of course, I'm sure." Hardison put his arm around Parker. "But maybe you could think about returning some of them."

Parker pouted. "But I like them all."

"I know, but the people who used to have them probably liked them too," Hardison said.

Eliot ran his fingers through his hair. He just wanted to make breakfast. He'd been thinking about trying out a new biscuit recipe. "Hey, maybe the kitchen isn't the best place for your collection, Parker."

"But they look so cute, plus they're good luck."

"They need to be lucky somewhere else. I need the counter space."

"Fine." Parker started putting the figurines back into the box. "I guess I could find a new place for them."

Hardison nudged Parker and she rolled her eyes. "And maybe I could return one or two."

"Great." Eliot gave her a very sarcastic thumbs up. "Maybe you could move a little faster. Some of us have breakfast to make."

"Bye Maneki Neko army, I hardly knew you." Hardison waved.

"You're not helping," Eliot pointed out.

"Maybe we should go out for breakfast," Hardison suggested.

"Oh, there's a new doughnut place next to the bicycle shop," Parker said.

"The one on the corner of Pine and Maple?" Hardison said.

Eliot had been meaning to check the place out. "Fine, but you're cleaning all this up when we get back."

"Yay, doughnuts!" Parker said.

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