in the middle


Eliot woke up with a slight edge of panic in his gut. It took him a minute to figure out what was wrong. "How did I end up in the middle?"

"You don't always have to be the one on alert, we can watch your back too," Alec said from behind him, his hand a firm presence on Eliot's hip.

"And your front." Parker snuggled closer.

Eliot tried to move but his arm was pinned. "Some's on my freaking arm." His voice sounds angrier than he intended.

"Sounds like a you problem." Unfazed, Parker yawned.

"Parker!" Eliot tugged his arm.

"What?" Parker's voice was soft and sleepy, like she was about to fall back asleep.

"I can't feel my arm," Eliot said.

"Sounds like a --"

"If you finish that sentence I'll --"

Alec brushed Eliot's hair aside and rained kisses along his neck. "You'll what?"

Eliot wracked his brain for a suitable threat. "I'll let you all have cereal for breakfast."

Parker gasped. "But you said pancakes."

"Gonna be a little hard to make pancakes when I can't feel my arm."

Parker rolled off his arm and out of the bed in one smooth movement. Eliot chuckled. Of course, that worked.

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