inside-out day

Fandom: Leverage
Characters/Pairings: Mr. Quinn/Eliot Spencer, Parker
Rating: Teen
Length: 638 words
Written for: fan_flashworks challenge #365: Reverse
Summary: Eliot and Quinn fall asleep on the sofa, Parker comes in and sees that their clothes aren’t quite right.
Originally Posted: March 21, 2022


Eliot jerked awake. Shit. He must have fallen asleep. There'd been something, not a noise exactly, more like a sense of movement that he could hear. Someone was coming. He nudged Quinn. "Get your clothes on." Eliot pulled on his shirt and looked over at Quinn still fast asleep on the sofa next to him. Eliot nudged him again, a little harder this time.

Quinn's eyes blinked open. "What time is it?"

Eliot ignored the question and tossed Quinn his clothes. "Someone's here, get dressed."

Quinn sat up and raked his fingers through his hair. "You are so bossy in the morning."

"It's not morning and I'm always bossy."

"You've got that right." Quinn shimmed into his pants, pulled his shirt on, and pulled his hair back with an elastic from around his wrist. He pulled Eliot close and kissed him.

Eliot kissed Quinn before reluctantly pushing him away. "Look normal."

Quinn rolled his eyes and picked up a nearby magazine. A moment later Parker came skipping into the room. She gave the two of them a quick glance and kept going before abruptly coming to a stop. She looked the two of them up and down, tilted her head, and frowned.

"Morning, Parker," Quinn said.

"Did you need something?" Eliot asked. His voice was harsher than he'd meant it to be.

"Did you two have a sleepover?" Parker asked.

"What?" Eliot kept his voice even.

Quinn laughed.

Parker turned her focus on Quinn. "Your shirt is reversed." She looked over at Eliot. "Yours too."

Eliot glanced down at his shirt and scowled. In his haste to get dressed quickly, he'd put it on wrong. He should have been more careful.

"It's inside-out day," Quinn said way too cheerfully.

"What? No one told me." Parker crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at Eliot as if this omission was his fault. After a moment she pulled her shirt off, turned it inside out, and put it back on before giving them a thumbs up and skipping away.

Eliot turned to Quinn. "Inside-out day?"

Quinn leaned back against the sofa. "Hey, it worked. Didn't it?"

Eliot shrugged. "I guess."

Quinn's eyes focused on some distant point outside the window. "You know I just love being your dirty little secret, but just how much longer do you think we need to keep that little charade up?"

Eliot sighed. "It's not like that."

Quinn turned to Eliot. "It kind of feels like it is." There was a lot of hurt in those eyes.

Eliot's guilt weighed heavily on him. He wasn't sure why he hadn't told the team about his relationship with Quinn. He kept telling himself that he was just waiting for the right time but it never seemed to come. "I'll tell them soon, okay?" Eliot took his shirt off, turned it around the right way, and slipped it back over his head.

"It's fine, don't worry -"

Eliot interrupted Quinn by holding his finger up to his lips.

A couple of seconds later Parker came back into the room. "Oh, I almost forgot. Hardison said to get a room and something about replacing the sofa." She stepped closer, peered at the couch, and shrugged. "Not sure why, it looks fine to me."

Eliot took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Thank you, Parker. Was there anything else?"

"Does this mean I can stop pretending not to know that you two are a couple?" Parker asked.

Eliot rubbed the back of his neck and growled. He'd been hurting Quinn by keeping this secret for nothing. He shook his head but held his tongue.

"Yes, it does Parker, yes it does," Quinn said, a big grin on his face.

"Cool." Parker skipped back out of the room, leaving a laughing Quinn and a growly Eliot behind.

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