not worried


Eliot glanced at the clock. They were late. It was snowing but he was definitely not worried. Not at all. He was annoyed, sure. Parker and Hardison had gone out for some secret holiday shopping mission. They should've been back by now. It was snowing something fierce. But no, Eliot wasn't worried. He was baking.

The cinnamon rolls were on their last rise. The kitchen clock had a very faint, yet very distinctive tick every hour on the hour. Eliot looked out the window, the snow was coming down fast now. The wind was blowing too. He shook his head. Parker had probably just made Hardison stop so she could play in the snow. That woman had an unhealthy attachment to the stuff, it was weird. She and Hardison were probably in the park making snow angels at this very moment. It was fine, really. Eliot wasn't worried.

The kitchen smelled of cinnamon and sugar. Another tick of the clock. Another hour gone. Maybe he was a little worried. The cinnamon buns were finished with their last rise and just about ready to be baked.

Eliot closed the oven door, cinnamon buns safely inside. He heard the door click and then footsteps. He took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. They were home.

Two minutes later he was scowling as they walked into the kitchen, dripping snow with every step. Their cheeks were all red and rosy and they were smiling and laughing. Eliot growled. "What did I say about taking your coats off by the door so you don't track snow all over the place?"

Hardison broke out in a huge grin. "Aw, he missed us."

Parker smiled and threw her arms around Eliot, dusting him with wet snow. He didn't say a thing. The words sat on his lips for a moment, then disappeared unspoken. Parker went still in his arms. "Do I smell cinnamon buns?"

Eliot looked up at the clock. "They still need thirty minutes in the oven."

Parker peppered him with kisses. Eliot wrapped his arms around her just a little bit tighter, relief finally settling in his weary bones.

"Oh yeah, group hug." Hardison took a few steps forward and pulled them in for a giant hug. Eliot squashed the desire to grumble and complain. He was just glad they were both home, safe, and right where they belonged. With him.

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