sandwich foibles


Putting the finishing touches on his latest creation, Eliot hunched protectively over his sandwich as Alec reached over his head to the cabinet above, and pulled out a mug.

Alec's laughter rang out. Loud and sharp. "Oh man, did you think I was about to make a play for your sandwich?"

"Wouldn't be the first time," Eliot muttered. He grabbed the butcher paper and wrapped his sandwich for later. Roast chicken and bacon on toasted sourdough with pickled red onions and raspberry mustard. Definitely worth waiting for.

"I take your sandwich one time." Alec shook his head and poured himself a cup of coffee. "Whatever happened to forgive and forget?"

Parker looked up from her breakfast Sundae and pointed her spoon at Eliot. "I don't understand why you make sandwiches and then put them away without eating them."

"I'm gonna eat it later."

"Then why not make it later? That way you can eat it while it's fresh. Plus that way there's less of a chance of someone nabbing it," Parker asked.

"I'm gonna be busy later and the sandwich gives me something to look forward to." He shouldn't have to worry about his food being stolen in his own home. Eliot scrutinized Parker's bowl. "Is that cereal on top of your ice cream?"

"Duh." Parker spooned some into her mouth. "It's a breakfast sundae." She shook her head and looked at him as if he was the crazy one in this conversation.

"Just no one touch my sandwich, okay?"

Parker leaned over and poked the sandwich. Eliot growled. She smiled and kissed him, leaving Eliot with the taste of chocolate mixed with fruity pebbles lingering on his lips.

"I'm not gonna take your sandwich. Alec slung his arm over his shoulder and flashed him a grin. "This time." He winked, gave him a quick kiss, and headed upstairs with his coffee. Even so, Eliot hid his sandwich underneath two Tupperware containers filled with last night's leftovers. Just in case.

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