spooky cupcakes

Fandom: Leverage
Characters/Pairing: Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer
Length: 657 words
Rating: Teen
Warnings: none
Summary: Parker asks Eliot for spooky cupcakes.


Eliot hangs up his apron, turns around, and finds himself face to face with a very eager Parker. “Are they done yet?” There’s an excited lilt to her voice that makes his lips want to turn upwards into something resembling a smile. He resists the urge and raises an eyebrow.

He just finished frosting the last cupcake a few minutes before she came into the kitchen. “Why don’t you look around and see for yourself?”

Parker surveys the two dozen freshly made cupcakes lining the counters and her smile falls ever so slightly. “Chocolate?”

The disappointment in her voice makes something in his chest tighten. “Black Velvet,” he corrects.

Parker rolls her eyes. “Okay, so fancy chocolate.”

“You still like chocolate, right?”

“I love chocolate. I will always love chocolate. I just thought we’d agreed on spooky cupcakes, on account of it being Halloween and all.”

“They’re cupcakes, Parker. How spooky can they get?” He lets a little growl into his voice to emphasize his point.

“I don’t know, maybe if they were shaped like spiders or bats maybe? Or cats? Black cats are cool.” Parker shrugs. “It was your job to figure all that out.”

Eliot wiped his hands on a dishtowel. “What about cupcakes that drip fake blood when you bite into them?”

Parker gasps. “Can you do that? Is that even possible?”

Eliot makes a sweeping gesture towards the cupcakes. “Why don’t you take one and find out?”

Parker dances in place for a moment before she takes a cupcake, closes her eyes, and takes a bite.

Her face lights up and her eyes go wide. There’s a smidge of red ganache on her face and when she swallows the bite and lowers the cupcake, Eliot reaches out, swipes her cheek with his finger, and wipes away the icing. A motion so automatic at this point, that it takes virtually no thought at all. He loves making her happy. That look of joy on her face from something so simple as cupcakes makes him want to keep making her happy for as long as he possibly can. “What do you think?”

Parker holds up the cupcake and examines the ganache center more closely. “Is this frosting?” She pokes at it and has another taste.

Eliot nods. “Black raspberry-flavored white chocolate ganache.”

Parker shoves the rest of the cupcake in her mouth and says, “I love it!”

Hardison leans into the room. “We almost ready for the Halloween Movie Marathon Bonanza?”

Eliot scowls. He had not agreed on that name.

Parker nudges Eliot with her shoulder. “Eliot made spooky cupcakes.”

Hardison’s gaze sweeps over the cupcakes. “They’re black.”

“They bleed,” Parker says, her voice overflowing with excitement.

“Um, that sounds less spooky and more gory.” Alec turns to Eliot and tilts his head. “No offense.”

“None taken.”

Parker picks up another cupcake. “There’s red frosting inside that oozes out when you bite into it. It’s so cool.”

Eliot shakes his head, takes the second cupcake from Parker, and puts it down on the tray with the others. “Okay everyone out of my kitchen.”

“But cupcakes,” Parker whines.

“The cupcakes are for later.” Eliot makes shooing motions with his hands. “Besides you already had one.”

Parker pouts as she slips away with two cupcakes that he would’ve never seen her take if he didn’t know her so well. She hands Hardison one before looping her arm with his and leaving the room.

“I’ll make some popcorn while you guys get the movie situation straightened out in the living room, sound good?” He calls out after them. They both make affirmative noises.

Eliot smiles to himself as he pours the popcorn kernels into the popper and turns it on. Halloween isn’t his favorite holiday but any day he gets to spend with those two is a good one. Especially when the only blood getting spilled is made of white chocolate, heavy whipping cream, and red food dye.

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