spoons, missing


"Dammit." Eliot slammed the drawer shut with a clang. "Where the hell are all the spoons?"

Silently, Parker appeared out of nowhere. "Maybe the Fae took them?"

Furrowing his brow, Eliot checked the dishwasher, sink, and junk drawer but no spoons appeared. "I don't think little fairies stole our spoons, Parker."

"Why not? What's wrong with our spoons?" Parker made a pouty face.

Eliot clenched his fists and tried not to growl. "Because fairies aren't real."

"Please, call them the Good Folk, okay? The Fair Folk works too, I guess." Alec leaned against the refrigerator and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I for one do not want to be lured into some crazy otherworld realm for a century or two. I don't think either of you wants that either."

Eliot shook his head and stared at the both of them in disbelief. It was like living with children sometimes. Very badly behaved ones. "Does anyone know what really happened to our spoons?" Eliot threw his hands up in the air. "Anyone?"

"Maybe the spoons fell behind the shelf by the microwave." Parker shrugged. "Again."

Of course, they did. Silly him, apparently he should have checked there first.

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