Sun & Stars


"I feel like it should be moons and stars, not suns and stars." Breanna finished hanging yet another strand of star-shaped twinkle lights.

Parker adjusted the hardware holding the giant light-up sun in its place. "The girls said sun and stars - so we're doing sun and stars."

"I just think moon and stars would be more thematically appropriate." Brianna grabbed another strand of lights. "It fits the whole celestial vibe better. Besides suns are stars."

"But not all stars are suns." Parker gave her an upside-down shrug. "I don't know, this is my first prom. We did a high school reunion job once but that's not the same thing."

"I think I've heard that one." Breanna had heard so many Leverage stories while sitting at Nana's kitchen table. She loved those stories.

Parker swung upright. "I didn't go to high school."

"You didn't miss much."

"Yeah, I probably wouldn't have liked it much, but I also never got to go to a dance like this."

"These kids almost didn't either. Because of you, they get that chance."

Parker smiled. "Because of us."

"Yeah, because of us." Breanna smiled. That she was becoming a part of those stories was pretty awesome.

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