

Parker gripped the taser behind her back. "Nobody warned you about me?" Parker asked.

"Excuse me?" The haughty-looking dude scrunched up his face, making him look all pointy and sharp. "Warned me what? Who are you?"

Parker smiled just a little as she whipped out her taser and zapped the guy. He went down hard and there was a heavy thud as he hit the floor. Her smile grew wider. She really liked tasing people. She turned to Alec as he stepped out from around the corner.

"Do I need a catchphrase? I think I need a catchphrase," she said.

"What? A catchphrase?" Hardison shook his head. "We're not superheroes, Parker. Why would you need a catchphrase?"

"Hey!" Eliot sounded offended. She bet he thought they were superheroes.

"We kinda are," Parker said. She'd watched a lot of superhero movies and even read a few comics, thanks to Alec. What they did wasn't so different.

"She's not wrong," Eliot said, totally taking her side.

"We don't have superpowers, we don't fight supervillains, and we don't even wear costumes." Hardison crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"We kinda wear costumes, it's not like I'd pick this dress to wear on my day off."

"Hey, we need to do something about this guy before he comes to," Eliot said.

"Closet?" Hardison asked.

Parker shrugged, then nodded.

Eliot grabbed the guy's arms. "Come on Hardison, help me out here."

"You look like you're doing just fine on your own and you know I don't wanna step on your toes or anything," Alec said.

"Dammit, Hardison," Eliot grumped. He dragged the guy to the closet and they locked him in.

Parker turned to Alec and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I love when he says that."

"Me too, Mama. Me too."

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