tasers are for tasing people


Parker bit her lip and waited for the yelling part of the conversation to begin. Eliot looked down at the floor where the mark was lying unconscious and groaned. "Why did you taser the mark, Parker?"

"I didn't like him." He was slimy and couldn't keep his hands to himself. He needed to be tased. He deserved so much worse.

"He's the mark, you're not supposed to like him." Eliot raked his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"He was running around and acting all weird." She kicked his foot to make sure he wasn't faking it. He didn't move. "He kept yelling It's my name on the line." She shook her head. "I didn't like it. It was really annoying."

"So you tasered him?" Eliot's eyebrow twitched. Oops. Maybe she'd gone a little too far.

"He obviously needed a time-out. I just helped him along a little." Okay, maybe she'd helped him along a lot. It hadn't only been the weirdness and the yelling. It was also the way he smacked her butt every time she walked past him. Eliot didn't need to know that though. She knew if she told him, he'd be tasering the guy into a heart attack.

Eliot kneeled down and checked the guy's pulse. "You can't just go around tasering people because you don't like what they're doing, Parker."

That didn't make sense. "Then why do I even have a taser?"

"That is the question isn't it?" Alec said on the comm. She liked having his voice in her ear. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy, even when he was saying things that she didn't like.

Eliot stood up. "Well, he's not dead, that's something, at least."

Parker shrugged.

"Okay, you're going in the van for the rest of the con."


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