the immersive experience


Eliot turned away as Parker began to undress. He focused his attention on the framed photo that sat on the bedside table. It showed the two of them in front of the Eiffel Tower. According to the backstory Hardison concocted for them, they'd gone to Paris for their honeymoon. They looked happy together. It wasn't real of course. Photoshop or some other computer wizardry. But there was a part of Eliot that wanted it to be real.

"Parker, we don't both have to sleep in the same bed, no one is gonna see us sleeping." He turned his attention back to Parker once she'd pulled on an oversized nightshirt with a cartoon kitten eating a donut on the front.

"I'm supposed to be your wife, Eliot."

"It's a job, Parker. No one's gonna know if we sleep in separate beds."

"I'll know. Sophie said for me to really understand a character I need to get the immersive experience."

Eliot shook his head. How immersive was Parker planning on getting? Did he even want to know?

Parker pulled back the covers and got into bed. "You should take your pants off."

Eliot blinked. "What?"

"You brought pajamas, right?"

Eliot looked over at his still-packed suitcase and shook his head. He wasn't a pajamas kind of guy.

Parker shrugged. "I guess you can sleep in your underwear." She patted the space beside her.

Eliot took a step forward. There was a guest bedroom down the hall with a perfectly good bed in it. It even had clean sheets. He had checked. There was no logical reason for him to get into bed with Parker. He sighed, toed off his boots, and got into bed next to her anyway. He drew the line at taking off his clothes, though. That was not happening.

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