Leverage: Drabbles and Double Drabbles (100 or 200 words)

Let's go steal a vacation? [Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer] Teen - 100 words (2023)
Parker wants to steal something while on vacation.

sleep is for the weak [Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer] Teen - 200 words (2022)
Eliot doesn't like to sleep too long.

spoons, missing [Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer] Teen - 200 words (2022)
The spoons are missing again.

in the middle [Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer] Teen - 200 words (2022)
Eliot wakes up in the middle.

hidden Gen [Eliot Spencer] G - 200 words (2022)
Eliot finds a hidden chapel.

bad catch [Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer] G - 200 words (2022)
Parker couldn’t have gotten her cold from Eliot, because Eliot is definitely not sick.

Sun & Stars (Leverage: Redemption) [Breanna Casey & Parker] G - 200 words (2022)
Breanna and Parker are decorating for a job.

the temptation of peaches [Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer] G - 200 words (2020)
Parker finds some peaches sitting out on the kitchen counter

heart heavy [Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer] Teen - 100 words (2022)
Parker’s feeling sad

what boxes? (Leverage: Redemption) [Breanna Casey & Eliot Spencer] G - 100 words (2022)
Breanna is looking for her Halloween decorations.

worth it [Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer] Teen - 100 words (2022)
Feelings are hard but worth it.

from seed [Parker/Eliot Spencer] G - 100 words (2022)
Parker goes up to the rooftop garden to watch the sunrise, Eliot brings coffee.

dream cake [Parker/Eliot Spencer] G - 100 words (2022)
Parker dreams about cake

salty sweet [Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer] Teen - 100 words (2021)
Just a little drabble about the different kinds of surprises there are, good and bad.

it doesn't always feel that way [Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer] G - 100 words (2020)
Safe doesn't feel the same for Parker.

the kiss [Alec Hardison/Parker/Eliot Spencer] Teen - 100 words (2017)

not alone anymore [Parker] G - 100 words (2017)
Takes place during The Stork Job: The kids in this job have Parker’s head all scrambly

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